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Parkhead Hub

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is working with Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) alongside other partners to develop a new health and social care Hub at Parkhead in North East Glasgow. The Hub is being built on the site of the former Parkhead Hospital and current Sandyford, Anvil Centre and Parkhead Health Centre at Salamanca Street. 

The new Hub will bring together a number of community health and social care services, which are currently located at nine different sites. It will provide services for children, adults and older people, addictions, justice, homelessness, sexual health and health improvement. The Hub will include General Practitioner services, community pharmacy and dental services. The facility will also provide community spaces including bookable rooms, the relocated Parkhead library and a café. 

Designed by Hoskins Architects, Hub West Scotland has been appointed by NHSGGC as its development partner to deliver the project and BAM Construction are the lead contractor. 

More information on the development and design of the health and social care centre including library with associated public plaza, drop off area, landscaping, car park and associated demolition of existing buildings can be found on the planning portal.

The Hub is due to open in 2024 and will be the largest of its kind in the UK. 


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